Thursday, July 04, 2013

the vama marga journey could be summed up as, it's transformative, an exaltation of the feminine principle, it violate's deep traditional social and personal taboos that keep the aspirant separated from tribal normative values and induces a radical inversion to authority, orthodoxy and convention of any kind. its not for everyone, and finally it confronts with the reality of pleasure, joy and mortality.

the left path historically has been judged to be sinister because of the division of the brain and the way there are left brain dominated people outnumbering right dominated, all experience reality as duality, this extends back to ancient sumeria where left was given a negative value. one has to be bad the other good, but these don't really have value unless you transgress the laws of the universe.
in tibetian buddhism, hinduism, abrahamic religions and the new age movement, the left is considered feminine, the right masculine. these cults in their religious structures have kept the feminine energetic principle gagged and bound in fear, although in esoteric traditions it remains embedded within a symbolic code that has been obscured, for a good reason some would say. we could call this magick for want of a better word. why is magick so concealed?
i think maybe because it's from before the fall off man, a thinking technology that existed in atlantis, capable of manifesting in the material plane, when we truly lived in a non dual age. if we are living in the fall off man, then the answers to escaper can be found in the rise of women, or the feminine principle.

the religions of the world all share similarities with various cults, they obscure the truth, they use power and control as mechanisms to disassociate the seeker. 
let's look at what each one of these cults offer on the surface.
the new age movement is commercialised industrialised re-packaged old age movement with free market churches in arenas and conference centres where information can be purchased for a few hundred dollars. it fails because truth is the journey not the destination and everyone's journey is unique. plus it's always better to believe people who say they are on the road to truth and doubt the people who say they have found it.
western middle class buddhism offers a safe secure option with no commitment from anything that threatens the ego. therefore it fails.
the jewish tradition is to far removed from it's mystic connection, most jewish people have no idea that within their own kabbalistc tradition god has a wife, genesis is not a literal translation of events but a multi dimensional hieroglyphic window into the many levels of reality. the other books that make up the old testament seem to be a  collection of various texts, the only one that really has any relevance is genesis, the others are basically a collection of historical rabbinical and judicial ideas. the modern jew is trapped in everything but what the mystical connection of his religion asks from him, embrace the feminine to know god.
christianity is the mystical connection in action, the ultimate superhero was jesus, the blueprint for the self actualised, love your enemy, even the chaos of society that we find ourselves living in, forgive them, love them, in seeing divinity in this chaos we can find salvation from it.
to walk the sinister path one must contextualise ones own feminine nature and encourage its growth and integration with the masculine one. 
incidentally this is where contemporary feminists go wrong, they fail to acknowledge the feminine is part of the masculine and take it to an extreme where the male energy is emancipated yet running rampant within themselves. it's a paradox and can only be thwarted by union of the polarities through spiritual means not political.
unfortunately most of these religions are now just power and control structures with little to do with divinity.

in tantric terms vama marga (vama) has three meanings, feminine, left and contrary. 
'contrary' is interesting, it alienates from the herd and memetic parasites that attach themselves to our minds and call us back, the aspirant becomes almost an outcast because initiation in the path is estrangement and alienation, you have to step outside of previous secure borders, self exiled, not empty acts of a social rebel but about responsibility. 

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