the problem is if you disagree with the left you are called right, that only exists in one direction, why is this?
it's because of the inability to distinguish between the illusion and the reality, all political wings are the same at heart, historically the left is the more dangerous, hitler, pol pot, mao, lenin, stalin, kim il sung, yeah the list goes onwards, all these people under the guise of some form of national socialism certainly did not look after their people. oh yeah the right is filled with clowns but lets look history in the eye and call it for what it is rather throw terms around left, right, green, blue the bottom line is these things trap us into polarity, and pretty soon we forget that a policy should be judged on its own merit, supported by information and substance not as so often occurs by reaction to the polarity.
anyway's the problem is we invest within the political system one way or the other, this is a complete waste of time, it's artificial and pointless as all of it is manipulation these days.
in australia we have three strangely divided wings, all compete for power, all have strengths and weaknesses but only one has the skills to get us out of debt.
debt is slavery and like the europeans are now enslaved we will become so, the government sticks a big bottle in it's populations mouth and says suck on this we will feed you, educate you, cloth you, nurse you, tell you what to read, how to think, where to go, who's right, who's left, who's good, who's bad!
is that left or right, nope, it's just plain stupid.
what about those who fall between the cracks, the poor, the unemployed, the fringe dwellers, where is their place on the right side of politics?
i accept they are overlooked and should be considered, not diminished but i disagree the way the left do it. i say this based on my own experience, because under the current 'left' wing government i am told in memo's each week that almost a billion dollars is being spent in disabilities and mental health, my sector. yet my clients the ones i support only get $8 a day for their food allowances, that's breakfast lunch and dinners. while they don't starve they have a very limited options available to them. so where does the money go, why straight back into government departments, a management heavy bureaucracy that creates paperwork and absurd waste, and let me tell you when these guys get together on a training day their lunch costs more than my clients get in a month.
so left, right, i don't fall for that trap, how about some sort of reasonable middle?
i want reasonable leaders, reasonable politics, and the only party that offers that is the australian sex party. check them out, very sensible.
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