Monday, September 10, 2012

perfect day, around me sunlight, blue skies, happy birds, dog wagging tails, joy and beauty, i'm in the garden of earthly delights, enjoying the space. girls wander down to the beach, brown tanned skin wrapped in a piece of string, the surfer boys search for waves, the rest of civilian population sip on lattes and read the papers while i have my head stuck in steve martins 'opium fiend' soaking up some sun, enjoying steve martins description of collecting, his passion for collecting opium paraphernalia is beginning to head into the inevitable conclusion with the addiction that looms, yet he has such an affinity for describing the atmosphere and the factual issues surrounding the substance, it's amazing how society has expunged it and at the same time used it for it's own purpose, truth is always hijacked. for a while there it was pure and effective and then it went underground, and sadly became an industry of suffering. 
there's great stories in this tale, characters and scenes, plus a history that corrects itself from the mythology thanks to martins passion, i'm not sure i'd want to surrender to such a substance but i can see the attraction as steve martin describes the pleasure and the time travel he evokes to a place far away from intrusive distractions where dreams and memories all merge and blend into a soft womb bomb.
like all culture drug culture has its best and worst, martin offers a well balanced description of his addiction, believe me, it's not a road to travel down but the lure is strong and he is of course a romantic, much like myself. the exotic eastern atmospheres, the strange western characters that have infiltrated this alien landscape. take a deep breath before loosing yourself in this book.
but outside of the book, life pulses along, throbbing like a giant sex organ, i wonder if we as humans in adult life remain connected to that spermatozoa as it fertilised the egg, the new scientist certainly thinks so in an article published here:
the memory may not be cognitive but one can't dismiss the connection, and maybe our lives are still dominated by this 'flocking' behaviour, we see it in tribes, ideology and the internet, as communities find one another, the seed and the egg generate in non biological ways, ideas are born, some individuals are gathered by the flock, others alienated or shunned. 
i myself shunned from many a political debate, as i argue the folly of the current government with my peers, most of which support gillard and milne, that's okay, i respect their choices, i guess we are luckey we live in a place the debate is encouraged. pussy riot anyone?
the internet has given birth to the ability to lie, misrepresent and spread fear instead of the clear beautiful rich opulence of truth, issues become polarised, debate only resonates on the lowest frequencies that are averaged out, and unfortunately its very low. sooner or later rule 34 pops up, or my new rule for the internet, i call it rule 666, that debate on any subject matter will end in an unsubstantiated conspiracy theory.
it is okay to have this debate, i am guilty of it as well, although i try to back my argument up with pretty powerful evidence, my tirades against the united nations can be validated by 
1. reading their website
2. agenda 21
3. the club of rome
4. the actions of their human rights arm which targets one country repeatedly and obsessively while ignoring every other.
5. the ideological strategy of installing a single world government upon the whole world under the guise of a concocted fear, be it terrorism, global warming or aliens.

the so called war on terror had some very unconstitutional laws placed around security of the general public and then recently the laws were used on a tweeter who suggested he would bomb an airport because they made him strip for a search. the guy was joking, he was angry and tweeted the comment but the authorities put him in jail for a few months. i mean what next, some novelist gets jailed for writing a story about a character that blows up a plane, i mean come on....then there is... 
mark styen who went through the canadian court system due to writing some statistics about birth rates that may be viewed as incitement. no room for truth in the fight against offence.
and the clumsy down under columnist who was fined recently, andrew bolt, because he questioned some of the aboriginal people who presented as european as cashing in upon their aboriginal heritage using it to advance their own profile. yet when the head of an aboriginal organisation supported him and repeated his comments she was ignored and did not suffer the same fate as mr. bolt. 
the result of the aboriginal welfare by the left solution is evidenced by the election in the northern territory where sick of 'white' well intentioned charity these communities voted against the greens and labour and for the liberals. 
the main reason was because the liberals treat them equally and encourage work, while the left seem to throw them cash and bureaucracy thus the industry of suffering grows.
personally i don't have an answer, but i do think the media hunted bolt, they tore him apart and crucified him for his comments especially the abc and the sydney morning herald, oh yeah i agree the guys a foolish oaf, but what this example shows is the vast hypocrisy and political correct brainwashed perspective that the so called trendy section appear to adopt when it suits them.
the liberals are just as bad but they generally leave people alone to do and write their own thing, they don't see the justification of suppressing expression of thought, they don't mind a little dissent.
it's amazing to me how the left say 'the australian' is a right wing newspaper, it has philip adams the once head of the australian communists and socialists and extreme left wing advocate as a main journalist and writer. it's not right wing! it's just a different look at the news with a higher average reading age than the herald, which i have to say is a terribly twisted propaganda machine, the writers can't help but twist the information to suit their own agendas, take the film reviewer paul byrnes, please take him and send him to north korea. 
he slagged off the new batman film not because it was a bad film but because it dared criticize the occupy movement, yeah he wrote of the film becuase it didn't suit his ideology. it's fucking batman, a film about a man who dresses like a bat, jesus paul, its time the reviewers were reviewed, you're crap, every film you slag off is brilliant, me and my friends all make a point of reading your reviews because then we inverse it and if you like it we know it's a serious piece of crap, but if you slag it off we know it has depth integrity and complexity, not some dumbed down fucking propaganda that suits your version of what an intellectual should like. you even caned 'prometheus' because it does not clarify its story line. he makes the same mistake that most people who watched it did, they didn't listen or they can't cope with the horrific premise that they just block out the key piece that makes the film so clever.

and a number of people ask me what i think of the elections in america. well here's my take, obama is all talk, he's a great talker, he says what we like to hear but as a president he's been ineffective, in fact he's completely irrelevant really.
the main reason he's irrelevant is he inherited a catastrophe, left by the previous government, a massive debt which he proceeded to plunge further into so now he's taken the usa into a place where they will be for the next twenty to fifty years unless something happens.
he did this for an unsound reason, it was a mistake to bail out the bankers and wall street, it was a mistake to bail out the car companies and industries that were going under. what he should have done is bailed out the people who would loose their jobs, or were unable to pay mortgages, he should have bailed out those that needed bailing and let the other fat cats sink. that is capitalism, what he did was socialism and it fucking was stupid, he redirected wealth from the people upwards. so why would people vote for him, as the economy crashed downwards, unemployment is huge, plus the usa is in massive irrecoverable debt while the fat cats lord it up again instead of being behind bars.
so what do i think?
the republicans prove over and over that they are heartless buffoons, who seem to have a handful of reasonable people but the rest of them just can't think their way out of a paper bag. i'd vote republican if they actually came across as reasonable but every time i see them speak i think fuck, you people are idiots, so i'd have to say it's obama again, at least he wants to fix health care, education and help the poor, but if i were an american i'd be looking to fix the american parties by filling them with some diversity and a spectrum of views, these days they are all clones, much the same as here, we need to have democrats that understand finance and republicans that have a heart, mix and match, get some perspectives, change the whole bag.
maybe it's time to stop flocking to these parties, get a grip on the fact that they are both connected to one body, it's not the people anymore. we are their cash crop, our live essence is sucked dry by these idiots who keep us conflicted and separated by ideologies, people should beat their dna programming, unlearn the impulse to flock to ideology, irrespective of their passion, the idea that either of these clowns running the show will really make your life better, they don't, they can't, it's politics, there's always agendas, that's the reality of politics, the same old tribes repeating mistakes.      
anyways it's not my place to tell people how to vote but that's my thoughts.

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