margret atwoods book payback which was written just before the global meltdown is a brilliantly thought provoking treatise on debt and slavery. it looks at the history of debt pre bible and in the bible and post bible, it looks at the value of money and debt, it looks at the constructed system we mass produce to give it it's power and then it looks at the future which is really the present, where resources are depleted.
this book basically confirms some of my ravings, about the way we all live and the cycles we have been trapped in. it's is a very important piece of work that is exceptionally well written and researched.
i implore people to read it.
most of my readers know i have strange political viewpoints, i see all governments as guilty.and the idea that we continue to see one government as an enemy and another as an ally is crazy. they are all guilty of betraying someone. those idiots that marched against the war in iraq did nothing about the awa scandal, they did nothing when australia was complicit in the invasion of east timor, yet they are highly motivated to scream and yell over some dictators regime change by america. i'm not saying that it was wrong or right, just that moral objectivity is wasted in these realms. just the same as the people who live in palm beach and drive a fleet of mercs, drink expensive champagne and suck massive cuban cigars all complain about evil america and evil capitalism.
payback concludes with the idea that we need to wake up, change our personal life then we can change everything. i concur, you global warming people out there who want to make a difference, it's easy, don't eat meat. yet i know most do.
so how does someone in that position have the right to criticise anyone else.
be true to yourself, the rest is bullshit.
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