the nightmare paintings meets the day dream writings. old captain mission finds his way to the gallery, opening night, parks right outside and strolls in to the corridor where collective 777 have some paintings based around the abbey at thelema, two of which are outstanding, the artist is michelle nolte.
the main room hosts a collection of crowleys artwork which robert burratti has put together. i chat with robert about some of the art and he is a really sound guy. he tells me he's putting together a collection of esoteric artwork and i mention the work of australian artist steve kilbey, robert seems keen.
the first thing i noticed was the music, it was brilliant and reminded me of the guilt trip cds, so i asked who it was, jeff martin wrote it for the exhibition specially, the jim morrison clone from the tea party. it's brilliant music, perfect for this exhibition. the room starts to fill up so i stroll around soaking up the paintings, yeah yeah yeah, some are magickal you can see that, the three from the tarot stand out as being quite different, the cock and the serpent the most sexually suggestive and when the head of the oto steps in to introduce crowley as a man who would have hated the nanny state and big government, sticking it to the man, he says crowley also believed magick was art. i agree, it is indeed art, the act of creation is magickal.
so the oto guy turns out to be in direct linage from ac himself, apparently there are only five people on earth who can claim that.
he tells us that crowley stood in front of the canvass and waited for the will of the painting to manifest, embedding some of his greatest ideas in them as words couldn't contain the symbolic information, he requested that we just look at them, each one of us will find something, he was right, i found anya an artist herself standing outside with her people, we chatted a bit and she looked pretty good in the fading light but time was running away, it had been a huge week.
a few days earlier i saw steve kilbey play with strings and the hoffmenn. what a joy that was, inspired setlist revamped mixture of songs, mostly sounding fresh and revitalised. it was a great night and fittingly these two influential individuals should come together in a celebration of art. i hope robert has a good look at steve's work, i think he'd be really impressed.
over the years several oto people had attempted to recruit me, but i'm actually not into group magick, it's like group sex really, somethings are just close to the heart, however i guess there is a sound base in energy increasing via numbers, however i seem to generate enough on my own if i synchronise with the moon. nope magickal orders and their rituals are not for me, i come from the same tradition that grouch did, any club that would have me for a member is not worth joining. ha! pook is here.
great paintings, well worth the trip.
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