Friday, September 20, 2013

the planets arteries form a network from the core to the surface, in between layers of strata lay vast amounts of shale gas. the subterranean landscape is indeed a vast network of intelligence impulses that emanate from within the core outwards through various dimensional pathways, on a planetary scale these impulses are transmitted to all living beings but in the last fifty years a corruption has occurred and the transmissions mutate via excavation, deforestation and as rapid industrial growth intersects with the function of this central nervous system the earth must align, correct the error, hence the adversity of dramatic weather and climate shifts which contrary to popular belief is orchestrated by the sun.
black sun however operates in the war machinery, petro-chemical peripheries of the middle east while the shale expunge their toxic assault from the west, through fracking technologies and the acutely cynically mis-named 'natural gas' industry. yeah the gas is natural but its extraction is based around hundreds of toxins that enter the water supply and kill any vegetation in proximity. between oil and shale there are no winners, neither is clean, neither is free, both leave a large karmic debt that the planet must consider.
the warmachine is an independent entity, evolved to exist as an autonomous machine spawning other warmachines in order to hunt them down, war uses it's own weapons against warmachines the same way warmachines employ their weapons against each other.
the cuneform lamassu, a winged bull with five legs and human head is an implement of desert warfare, in the xerodrome the warmachine takes on bizarre forms and employs unusual tactics, spore warfare, sand enigmas, djinn's they become stealth like in their ability to camouflage themselves, often within religious cults and occult groups, in the service to the state and insurgent forces, thus emanating into adaptation and adoption of different tribes.
the war hungry assyrian and phoenicans, created their own war machines to hunt war machines, evil against evil, often referred to as 'the fog of war' the iranian philosopher reza negarestani who has written the details in his book cylonopedia, which this material has been based upon.

in assyrian military doctrine, warmachines are always incinerated or consumed by war, the process is twisted but the return to life is abrupt and never recorded. war resurrects the disintegrated war machines and bring them back to life from the other side of the battlefield, in the form of a cimmerian haze - the fog of war.
the assyrians believed that these particles or necrospores of dead warmachines huanted every aspect of the middle east on behalf of war, they were generally understood to be a demonic dust, dry spirits capable of possessing military programs, political sytems, and people. assyrians called them relics, or diabolical things, more radically warlike than the warmachines themselves.

negarestani says, 'lamassu stand in pairs at the gates of assyrian temples and palaces, they watch what comes in but not what exits. from the front they look alert, firmly standing in place, from the side their winged bodies confidently stride forwards, the marching movement of a quadropedal beast, lamassu the desert hunter, it takes flight defending the skies, a weapon of diverse tactical responses, they attack, defend, hunt and scheme, standing at the gates they can be present everywhere.
the babylonian's called the assyrians' bizarre obsession with these creatures 'lamassu complex, in an allusion to the belief that war has a life of its own.'

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