Wednesday, June 26, 2013

big lunar force pulls us all along, the global events of the last month show the fall off certain things and as we transit through we see other things rise.
the universe ebbs and flows, adds and subtracts or if you're a religious reader the lord giveth and the lord taketh away. who can fathom its nature, only look in wonder in awe of this process.
i always take a cosmic approach, humanity will eventually reach the stars, the forces of love will prevail, we will again know ourselves as gods and goddesses, walking through forests abundant with papaya and coconuts, playing with the unicorn in the verdant meadows and looking at the octopus eye in the deep seas and oceans, yes we will sing, dance, write poems and make love because, love will win.
in the meantime we have to pay tax, eat, drink, shit and fuck, maybe if we are really lucky we meet that girl or boy or whatever and we find some peace.

with existence people get to shine while others try to extinguish but mostly we fluctuate between the two. that kind of inertia is part of the process, you have to accept it, love it and forgive yourself, healing is loving.
energy does not ever cease unless you enter a black hole, although there's no evidence of this, matter can't be destroyed only change its state, our bodies may be worm food and nutrients for trees, broken down into the great devourer and assimilated into something else, a wonderful living thing, with its own consciousness, its own state of being and as spirit we are reborn.
how i wish i could be a vegan. i really want to make the commitment but i'm to far away from sustaining myself correctly, i like honey and cheese and err wearing leather boots but i do respect life, like a mad old holy fool, dressed in purple robes and pointy hat, i honour life, its part of my identity, from a past life, american indian, the great spirit. we honoured all life, and we were defeated by an enemy who could never know spirit. it is shifting and i know humanity will win the spiritual war. those that don't believe me have already lost their humanity so for me there is no human stain, only the inhuman one, it's to late to save you from your own hate, you just hold on to that brother. i say, love is letting go.


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