i woke after a strange and terrible dream shocked me to conciousness,
i was visiting my friend ed at his home on the northern beaches, his father and i were standing outside with him on a sort of bridge made by a wooden plank as a murkey horrible sludge surrounded his house. it was almost sewage and gunk. suddenly eds dad fell into the gunk and sunk very fast, as he went under i looked at the shock on eds face and then stumbled, there was a moment where i almost recovered my self but physocs dictated that i obey the law of gravity and i fell forward into the gunk, sinking fast. i had one moment to think, 'oh i really was expecting a better more dramatic end to my life' there was a feeling of disappointment and i was submerged. i opened my mouth. and woke up.
i did a yoga class today and then had my first private lesson, because i need to make sure i'm learning correctly. there's no point me learning if i am doing it wrong and i chose my teacher carefully after months of looking around. i basically looked for some one who would tell me they would be able to help me, which justin did. he is amazing to watch effortlessly moving from pose to pose, fluid and easy as if there is no friction. i've had so many breaks and fractures that have not healed correctly i do find the asanas quite difficult plus my flow is erratic and almost non existent. justin sat with me after the class and gave me instruction, a great teacher. i really connected with him and he with i. and then i found out why.
justin spent time in peru studying shamanism. he to had experimented with the vine.
we shared our stories and i felt somewhat connected in ways that i can't explain, it really was a great spending time with justin, he gave me some exercises to do and we said goodbye, but i think i'll meet him again soon.
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