Wednesday, September 25, 2024

one drama follows another fortunately i'm empowered by some lunar force in pisces at the moment and i seem to come up smelling like roses. 

in fact the ocean has been giving me some gifts, dolphins swim close to the shoreline, hundreds of them swimming at terrible, it's quite something and the are whales further out, breaching and blowing massive water spouts. it's strange to see the wildlife so close to the shore. crowds stop to watch. i bump into a friend who says she was out by goldie (the 1k bouy) locals swim to when she saw loads of port jackson sharks swim past. then another friend wraps herself in flowers washed up by the ocean, they are gorgeous, bright red sea flowers. she kneels down and is crowned by neptune, a mermaid indeed. the water is cold but after the initial shock it's really quite pleasant and refreshing. no waves though.

i attend a boxing session that leaves me exhausted, my limbs ache but i do love it. the sun fades away after such a beautiful taste of spring, a change is heading my way, clouds rolling in, rain is in the air. time to batten down the hatches.

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