Tuesday, January 02, 2024

 someone sends me some mongolian pop music, it goes on a bit but i like it.

the band is called hu or as they like to be known Hu Band. they have a few tunes but this is epic and the one i play most. young guys, making a racket with their instruments. transcending cultures, finding a groove and making it beautiful albeit a bit heavy but you know, it's in context and sounds good. i like it.

anyways, that's going on in the background, as i run around chemists, doctors, specialists and attempt to get something for the weird cough i have. they end up giving me reflex pills. anyways right now i will try anything.

suddenly it's 1500 and i find myself reading 'aurora rising' yet again, this is the 3rd time. i read it when it first came out under the title 'the prefect' and when reynolds published a second novel in the series he changed the name and i read it again. exactly the same novel but the second read was even better than the first, there's so much going on, i picked up details that i missed and sub plots that i had never understood became clear. this third time is a absolute pleasure as the whole magnificence of reynolds writing and this story really blooms in my mind, i'll have to re read the sequel again, 'elysium fire' where everything comes together but apparently early next year a third and final book called, 'machine vendetta' which i can't wait for. 

the series is known amongst fans as the 'prefect dreyfus emergencies' after the main protagonist tom dreyfus. the stories take place on the glitter band worlds when it was fully functional and a safe habitat for millions of humans. if you have read the revelation space sequence you will appreciate how this fits in, it's really choreographically the first set of books written before the revelation space novels. this is the glitterband, on yellowstone, before the melding plague. reynolds fills each page with ideas, concepts and his characters are amazing, especially a hyper-pig who is also a prefect working alongside tom. it's pointless me going into plot because it's complex and you really need to read it with no knowledge going in, other than these novels take place in an already established universe known as revelation space, and these stories are precursors to that when humanity was in it's heyday.

oh and the hu would make a great soundtrack to the books, totally alien and threatening, with a sombre growing menace that gets closer and closer with every page.

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