as i strive for peace and love it's very difficult not to be at war with my shadow side, a cynical, part angry, part disappointed, part fatalistic jaded man who cannot understand the way the zombies have taken over the world. i always said, aim for the head.
anyway here i am if you want me zombie horde but i will go down fighting you all until i can't and then i will transition to a new level of existence where i will be free of you all. the zombie hordes of ignorance, fear and hate. those whose ideology has taken over their brain parts and now seeks others to consume. ideologies of extreme hate, irrational and inverted. they are everywhere.
a few thousand years ago a jewish guy was born, he was an odd ball who didn't fit in. he didn't like the way people put materialism before spirit, he didn't like memes that infected the zombies of his age, he didn't like exploitation and he went of to learn from the holy druids for a few years, he studied kabbalah (as evidenced within the lords prayer) he then returned to his people to lead them towards love. as usual the authorities determined he should be executed. but you can't kill a good idea and love is a pretty dam perfect one.
love your enemies.
a statement that is possibly the most powerful i've ever heard. off course it don't mean you can't kill them, it means much more than that.
so in this terrible year of suffering, (arn't they all) on this xmas season, i love my enemy. the islama- fascists, the weird jew haters and hypocritical left wingers and the so called greens who all aligned themselves with the extreme right wing fascists, the real ones. i hope your turkey of ideology gets well roasted until it's burnt to a crisp and you choke on it. and while you choke, i will watch with love.
merry xmas
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