Monday, July 25, 2022

well what ya know, a jo calls me up. it's bizzare as i just popped in my car and attempted to call her via blutooth and my car gave me an option of three different jo's. my phone actually has just under ten various jo's but the car always gives me three choices and this time all three were incorrect jo's. so almost instantly i get a text message from the jo i am attempting to call and i don't even bother to read it, i just hit the green ring button. it's witchcraft at its best. we chat until the midnight hour, five hours of finding out what we need to. it's a great conversation and now i am looking forwards to reconnecting with her sometime soon. 
my time is somewhat scarce as i am involved in a number of things with various people, and despite having days off i have them filled but i figure i'll drop whatever i am doing and spend the day/ night getting familiar with this extraodianare woman.
i find it hard to sleep, energy overload so i am awake at dawn, down at the beach watching the sunrise. i grab a coffee and exchange a few friendly words with some random people, suddenly people wanna know me. it's so weird how that happens. i walk to a deserted spot and sit down with my book, it's the second novel in the 'gap sequence' by stephen donaldson, his foray into sci- fi after writing the incredible fantasy series, 'the chronicals of thomas covennat'.
i never read the chornicles but if they are anything as good as the gap sequence i will read them. the first novel is the set up, introducing the three main charachters and the backdrop of space they are in. it's really good, well written and brutal as fuck which was so unexpected. the second novel takes the story further and deeper and introduces s to an alien species. these are really great novels, the quality of writing is fantastic and impressive but it's the story that pumps alnong. i'm really enjoying them. i plough through four chapters before my morning appointment and then head down the highway to work. it's a beautiful day. the soundtrack is groove armarda, it follows me around like a warm breeze.

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